What are hidden files: How to show or hide them in cPanel

  John Mwaniki /    Updated on 07 Jul 2024

Hidden files are files or folders that commonly contain information used for configurations of some sort.

They are kept hidden simply to prevent accidental deletion or editing.

All hidden files start with a dot at the beginning. For instance .htaccess or .htpasswd.

When accessing your cPanel File Manager, the ability to see hidden files is not enabled by default so you need to enable it if you want to see them.

How to show hidden files in file manager

Step 1: Log in to your cPanel dashboard

Step 2: Click on the File Manager icon, located in the Files category.

cPanel File Manager

Step 3: Click Settings in the top right corner.

cPanel File Manager settings

Step 4: Check/tick the box for “Show hidden files” and click “Save”.

Showing hidden files in cPanel file manager

You will now be able to see files and folders with their names starting with a dot (.) which were previously hidden as shown below.

Showing previously hidden files in cPanel file manager


In this article, we have covered what hidden files are, the reason why they are hidden and how you can show or hide them in your website hosting cPanel Filemanager.